Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Celebrating 35th Birthday

I am thankful to Allah for blessing me with a healthy, happy and wonderful life. With 35th birthday fast approaching I googled what I can do differently to celebrate. May Allah reward all those people who set an example for me to follow. Purpose of my blog is to present an idea which everyone can customize according to their time, budget, imagination and resources. Let's spread the love and make this world a better place!!

35 Things that I did (in a week leading up to my birthday):
  1. Left a card and small sum of money for our mail carrier.
  2. Bought cookies and left a thank you note for the Administrative Services Staff at work.
  3. Subway gift card for the cart pusher. (High school kid was overjoyed)
  4. Chocolates for the cashier at the grocery store. (She exclaimed: REALLY?)
  5. Bought a bouquet and asked the cashier to give it to a customer who needs a little cheering.
  6. Complimented few Facebook friends at random (I love and care for all my Facebook friends - selection was purely random - trust me!)
  7. Left flowers at Woodwinds Hospital for the patients who needed them the most.
  8. Dropped box of chocolates for the receptionist assisting with flower delivery.
  9. Paid the grocery bill for the person in line a head. (Shopper was pleasantly surprised and promised to pay it forward.)
  10. Taped a joke at boss's monitor anonymously. (He must have enjoyed it as it was later found taped on his cabinet door.)
  11. Subway card for the office janitor. (He was pleased and kept saying: FOR ME??)
  12. Made a tribute video for a good friend. She deserves much more though!
  13. Mailed a handwritten letter to a little girl I love.
  14. Mailed a Thank you card to a good friend who has been very active in the community services.
  15. Reached out and reconnected with an old friend. We plan to ski together very soon.
  16. Complimented a coworker on her pretty hat.
  17. Covered part of the race registration expense for one of the fellow runners.
  18. Mailed a handwritten love letter to my spouse. (It was overdue!)
  19. Dropped a holiday greeting card for our next door neighbors.
  20. Donated winter jacket.
  21. Mailed a surprise gift to a Facebook friend I have never met in person.
  22. Called parents. (Note to self: Do it more often!!)
  23. Left a big tip at a restaurant.
  24. In a long line at grocery store invited the person behind me to go first.
  25. Surprised a friend with home delivery of dessert.
  26. Bought balloon for a kid.
  27. Left pop money at vending machine for the next person.
  28. Complimented a stranger.
  29. Hot chocolate for the Salvation Army bell ringers.
  30. Donated cat food at the animal humane society.
  31. Left a toy for Toys for Tots drive.
  32. Get well soon card and small gift for a relative.
  33. Target gift card for Walmart greeter (that was funny!)
  34. Fixed breakfast for elderly neighbors at their house.
  35. Bought lunch for a dear friend.

Things I wish to pursue:
  1. Get matched with someone lonely at assisted living so I can spend time with them once or twice a month.
  2. Donate blood on regular basis.
  3. Baby sit for a friend.
  4. Mail few random gifts every year to friends, family and/or stranger.
  5. Feed the homeless.

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